Tuesday, November 8, 2011

haloo haloo ^^
this week gonna be my final exam
so wish me luck 


aaagghhh dunno why my updates seem to shrink 
a lot..
update later
got to go 

this is what i look like right now
please excuse me

Monday, October 24, 2011

hi again ^^
 to all my broken hearts .. yeah , this is an "age 12 and over project" ye here me? let's bring it on..

breakups are so like me
eheemm.. its the  title of the song
sang by : kim jang hoon ft kim hee chul
a great song sang by hee nim 

again HI ^^ haha pagi ni hujan turun dengan mencurah-curahnya,, kenapa ak mention pasal hujan dekat sini?? sebab plan aku nak cuci cadar delay.. so ak decide nak update blog lah.. memandangkan aku malas nak pegi dapo utk makan oat..
yeah.. ayat ku berbunga-bunga lagi..

.....tapi aku lapa....

Saturday, October 22, 2011


HI !!! AIYYOOO long time not see haha
hope u all are in pink of health
* esok saya ada klas ENGLISH so saya msti practice *

hari ini saya masuk GYNE ward.. gyne?? yup gyne .. FYI gyne adalah ward utk wanita yang mengalami masalah kewanitaan aaaaaaaaahhhh okeyh , cukup explaination..
tapi skarang saya bukan nak crita psal gyne , sbb hari ni baru first day.. last week saya dekat MALE MEDICAL ward.. 
sblom tu dekat female surgical ward 
knapa saya highlight female surgical ward?? sebab dakat sana ada HO handsome hahahaha
*HO--> health officer 
Tugas-tugas utk first year student nurse
1. TPR chart = temperature, pulse , respiration 
4 HOURLY monitoring 
which means .. ambik TPR patient selang 4 am skali..
2. I/O chart = intake and output monitoring 
mesti tanya patient kuantiti makan , minum , kencing , berak
3. menjaga kebajikan pesakit yg tidak berdaya..
ect: tukar pampers , bed bath , oral toilet ( bersihkan mulut )
4. tukar linen = bed sheath 
5. Bantu staff yg lain 
working with patient require a stable emotion .. mesti banyak sabar
SOMETIMES i do cried because of the tiredness 
sometimes i do LAUGH a lot 
because i enjoy doing it
but the real thing is
it's makes my life full of color
meeting different people
working with doctors , specialists , HO, and Ma 
feels like one family
although its only 5 in the list , but it takes the whole shift to finish them..
letih itu sudah pasti.. but the joy u got when u done it is can't be describe 
i love my job 

 hell yah i'am not kidding ..
i put a line there because i just wanna make used all the application..
i do have a lots of things to share with u all
but maybe next post

Sunday, July 24, 2011

aaaagggghhh... i dunno why i have this feeling after watching him..
am i in love? 
am i?
pfft pabo me.. i know i shouldn't watch that drama
up up in the sky
happy me 

Joo Won’s Tongue Twister
(Romanized Version)
kim su-han-mu guh-bu-ki-wa du-ru-mi
chi-chi-ka-po sa-li-sa-li saen-ta wuh-li-wuh-li
sae-bu-li-kang mu-du-sael-la
gu-ruum-ee huh-li-kae-een dam-byuh-lak
suh-sang-won go-yang-ee ba-duk-ee-nun dol-do
(Translated Version)
Kim suhanmu three thousand turtles and cranes
suddenly dongbangsak Capo Chichi Warriors Warriors
sebeurikang Sari Sari Center Tanning Cellar Wall
seosaengwon hurricane clouds rolled two cats that go
to those who watch the drama..
enjoy the tongue twister

Monday, July 18, 2011

Alcohol doesn't solve any problems, but then again,
neither does milk.

ohaiyo !!! <-- Y.E.A.H 
hai hai hello hello

yup, esok aku exam nutrition .. 

Dont worry that the world ends today, its already
tomorrow in Australia

The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the
moment you get up
in the morning and does not stop until you get into
the office.

iv'e  got sleepless night for the last 2 days
have to finish samurai high school (Japanese drama)
it's kinda fun drama 
hiak !! full of action
i guest that is why i'am always sleepy in class
pabo me
tomorrow is my exam 
what should i do then..

Saturday, July 16, 2011

 I didn't study; I live. 

hi hello hello ^^
haiyah, it's hard for me to update my blog nowadays 
my new schedule are too pack
tsk tsk 
poor me

oyeah, next week exam nutrition ... haiya suma housmates ku study mcm nak exam final year.. nebes ku rasa..
macam mana nih... hado hado 
seriously aku tak suka baca buku.. atau buat nota ..
selalu buat last minit
tapi malam nih aku minum kopi.. aku nak baca nota dan study
sbb suma housemates aku study
kopi aku nyaman yeah 
cuma aku sempat minum setengah 
sbb : tidak diketahui
free info :
edema - badan kembang mengandungi banyak air
lebih sodium dalam badan akan menyebabkan sel menyerap air dengan banyak
kurang vit B1 (thiamine) --> beri-beri 
kurang protein --> marasmus dan kwashiokor
kurang vit C --> scurvy
kurang vit D dan kalsium --> Ricket
lebih lemak --> obese 

yup... mmng ak dah blajar masa form 5.. tapi topic ni gak lah yang ak skip.. 

diet bland --> indicator : utk org yang ada masalah saluran penghadaman 
    gastritis  dan sebagainya.
cth makanan : yang tidak mengandungi rempah , elakkan susu kerana akan meransang penghasilan asid 
Diet rendah purin --> indicator : khas utk psakit gout 
cth makanan : makanan yg mengandungi rendah purin spt legumes dan kekacang.
lalalala dan banyak lagi 

anim got hyperschizophrenia 
please take your own precaution whenever you saw her 

Friday, July 8, 2011

"Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss."

hi helllo ! ^_^

satu hari di hari raya ... ak terkenang pada si dia... lalallalalalaalala..... owww oww bila lah lagi nak cuti raya ... aku nak balik ..
oyeah... skarang aku dah masuk kolej kejururawatan 
haiyahh.. disiplin
disiplin dlm segalanya mesti ada 
makan pun mesti disiplin
mesti semua mesti disiplin supaya dapat jadi manusia yang berguna...

taaaaaapiiii.... tulah masalahnya.. aku nih tak lah disiplin sangat doe.. deeehhh
sad sad 
hari hari aku sedeh..
harap aku dapat la mendisiplinkan diri 
utk menjadi nurse yg sejati
tengok luka kaki tercabut pun belum 
dah semangat ak nih
macam mana lei....

tapi semua org dkt sini peramah
baik baik
dan semua nya perempuan adala sikit encik encik 
seriously.. ak tak pernah masuk skola semua perempuan
dan aku tak pernah senyum banyak sangat dalam satu hari
lepas nih aku boleh la awet muda 
senyum selalu 

oh oh.. aku tak boleh la sebut dekat sini nama kolej
tak payah laa..
tak payah laa.. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

super Hee Dj

 gaaaaahhhhhh knapa malam ini panas sungguh ??
 haia haia i can't sleep
 otokeh? what should i do?? 

good to see you again 

aiish.. it's so hot tonight. . .

okeyh.. memandangkan aku tak dapat tido dalam tahap suhu yang amat amat tidak mengizinkan ini.. aku decide la nak update blog..
tapi.. masalahnya aku blank skarang..
 yaaa i know .. i shouldn't update in the first place 


ahad lepas ari terakhir heedj dkt youngstreet
ak nak sangat tengok live..
tapi aku lupa .. ak hantar laptop ak dekt kedai malam tuh
ciss.. tp takpa youtube kan ada haha
ak baru tengok tadi..
tapi ak tak paham satu pun..
adala certain yg ada subtitle tu ak paham la..

super cool heeDj yeah !!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


run run.....

hi hello hello
long time no see haha 

about the last issue .. yup, its confirm and now i'am officially not a U student anymore 
due to the SPA offer 
which means i'll be in SIBU starting this July
under nursing course

and i know there is nothing i can do to change it
so  wish me luck

alone at the airport ..... sad sad

i don't know if i have to do this.. but i'am a shy person.. i didn't say hi
 to just anybody..   even i hate texting ..but please drop a comment or post it on my wall
 simple hi never failed to brighten my day
remember me .. then i'll always remember you

the sunset scenery from the plane makes  me  wanna  traveled  more
the more i seen it .. the more i reflect my self
i should have brought my camera

WHAT?? i can't help myself to put them in my blog 
they just too cute 
eeeeyyyyyy i know you won't mind
we are 1 Malaysian right
who cares 


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Vintage style Photography

    Don't drown the man who taught  you to swim  "

Yeah.. lama aku google nak carik quote nih.. 
apa apa pun aku dalam dilemma sekarang.. <----- ak cilok ayat kwn ak jap..
sebab dalam dunia nih tak bleh ada plagiarism 
ak dilemma sebab bak kata pepatah diluah mati mak ditelan mati bapak
cuma mak ak tak involved pun dalam dilemma ak nih..
aku tak tahu nak pilih mana satu
atau lebih jelas aku mmng takda pilihan pun..
syg laa nak tinggalkan member2 dkt sini
suma dah kamceng 
suma baik baik
senior pun sporting
classmates pun bukannya ramai...
kami pun suma dah mcm 
sedara mara 
heh apala nasib..
tapi ak mesti ekot cakap bapak aku.. ak takut nak bantah
tak.. ! ak tak takut pun nak bantah
cuma ak malas aa..
ekot jk laa..
aku kan anak yg baik... tsk tsk tsk
aku tak nak bagi benda nih clear dulu.. tunggu surat datang baru ak announce okeyh ^_^
  Find something you love to do 
and you’ll never have to work a day
 in your life.

seriously.. course aku sekarang nih pun dah macam best sngt sngt
ak sayang nak tingggal..
kwn sebilik ak macam mana??
harap dia ada teman utk makan sama2 
dia salu belanja aku ais
*dia salu beli ais dekat dewan makan utk tambah dalam aik minum.. tapi 
mkcik dewan tu salu bagi dia banyak sangat*
so ak pun tumpang sekaki lah..

Don’t waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window — or break down a door

yup.. ^_^ i'll try my best
besides.. this is what my dad want me to do
and i wont regret it
b'cos i have faith to him (Alllah the almighty)
i'll just go with the flow..

aku memang suka dengan vintage style photography  warna dia suma pastel
aku harap ak bleh beli camera yang harga beribu ribu tu.. =.=
bila ak dah kaya nanti aa..
aku dah cuba edit sendiri... cummmmaaaaaaaa...
aku tak pro laa..